Monday, May 19, 2014

May 11, 2014

May 11, 2014 was a big day for the Dahl's!!  Not only did our sweet boy turn 11 months old, 
it was my very first Mother's Day, and most importantly we had the privilege of 
participating in a Child Dedication ceremony at our church.

We feel blessed to have an amazing small group that we meet with on a weekly basis.  
We all had our first child this year and chose to dedicate them together.  
Such a special experience!

This was put on the screen while Brandon spoke for our family.
(He did a great job!)

Our small group!!

We were lucky enough to have both sides of our family come celebrate with us.

We had a fun little brunch to celebrate.

Asher and his friend Sonora.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Asher- 11 months old

On May 11th, Asher turned 11 months old!!
Here are some things Ash is up to:
He is in size 4 diapers and size 12 and 18-month clothes.
Favorite toy: his push walker.  (We’ve loved the Vtech Sit-to-Stand.)
We feel that Asher has made such amazing strides this month! (Especially when it comes to being mobile.)

He likes to sleep with his bum in the air and his arms tucked under him.  It’s so cute!  Rumor has it that my mom slept the same way when she was little.
Here he is sitting up and talking to his stuffed animals.
I can’t get enough of him smiling so big his teeth show- he has 7 now.  
He still loves to eat and pretty much loves everything he can pick up and feed himself. 
For a little while, and then only when needed, he crawled all over. He’s gotten pretty speedy too.  Gone are the days when we could put him down and he would stay in one spot until someone moved him.  :-)
Here he is when just turning 10 months.

Here he is closer to 11 months.

He would rather be on his little two feet than anything else! He uses his walker, push walker, a couch, or table to walk himself anywhere he can. This guy is now mobile!  

Checking out his walker- thanks for the loan Liz and Lucy!!

He likes to watch Sesame Street. He kind of dances (bends and straightens his legs) every time he hears the music.  Rumor has it that I used to do the same thing while watching the same show.  Oh I so hope he inherited Brandon’s musical abilities!!
Will he be a conductor??
Along with moving all over, he is into everything!!  I think outlet protectors were developed with a kid like mine in mind as he would totally stick his finger in a socket.  I’ve also found out how strong he is!  He will pull something off of a shelf or table I never thought he could move.  Oh how much Brandon and I have to learn about him!!
The poor child has terrible allergies. Since he was born he's always sneezed a lot. He struggles with having a stuffy or runny nose most of the time. I know teething can cause some of it, but this is way more than normal.
We have had a pretty continuous problem with cradle cap. We tried Original Sprout Hair & Body Babywash from Cool Cuts 4 Kids. It seems to have done the trick! It's all-natural without a ton of junk listed.
So napping has become an issue again for us.  There are days he naps great and then he doesn’t want to nap at all the next day.  At all!  It makes for a crazy, long day (although he is still very good natured in spite of not sleeping).  I’ve read that separation anxiety can have an affect on naps.  Asher is definitely experiencing some separation anxiety- mainly when we drop him off at church daycare, but he even cries at times when one of us leaves the room.  I’ve also read that it’s actually good that he is very aware of who and what is present in his immediate surroundings.  There is also a sleep regression that can occur between 8-10 months, so it may fall under this instead of the separation issues.  I’m holding out that it’s just another phase of childhood and he’ll nap again soon.  Thank the Lord that he is still a wonderful night sleeper!!
Asher has gotten very good at responding to his name.  Actually listening is another thing. :-)
He loves to clap his hands.
Asher still loves to be outside.  He really looks around and takes it all in.  Very neat to watch.
He learned how to turn the water on in our bathtub. Thanks Daddy for jokingly showing him how to do it.
April 17- he did the sign for "all done" twice.  Yet, he hasn’t done it since, so it was probably a fluke.
April 27- He pulled himself to standing!!
April 28- started crawling!!
April 29- I found him standing in his pack-and-play (and soon after in his crib).
May 2- Asher crawled to me!!
May 8- We started swim lessons at Kim Courtney Swim.  (She offers free mommy and baby lessons until 16 months.)  Asher had a great time in the pool with friends Teddy and Brock.  He was a little apprehensive and dunked his own head once (don’t worry, I was still holding him), so I’m hopeful to learn techniques to help him love the pool as much as the bathtub.

Post swimming nap.
Post swimming crazy hair!
Extra fun stuff!!
Asher helped Mommy and Daddy celebrate their 2 year anniversary.

We took him to Portillo's.  Have you caught on that this kid loves to eat??  
He LOVED it there- just like I do. :-)
Yes, his shirt says Major Hunk. Awesome!
All sorts of toys and he loves a cardboard box.

We went to a movie in the park for our neighborhood.

A playdate with cousin Nolan.
A playdate with Teddy.

This kid loves going to the grocery store- seriously!  Maybe it's the deli samples.
It could also be all the attention he gets from sweet older ladies who 
stop me to talk about his hair.

Can I just say how much fun Asher is?!!  We just love our little Moo Man so much and he brings so much joy to our lives!!