Thursday, July 17, 2014

Table Project

Warning- I am not a professional. Lol! So now that that's cleared up, I found the cutest table and chair set at Goodwill for $8. I had a vision of having a set for Ash and cousins/friends to use in the playroom.
I was in the Goodwill car unloading line and watched the guy in front of me take it out of his SUV. When I pulled up I asked the employee about it and he said he would price it now and meet me in the store. He did clarify that he wasn't allowed to sell it to me from the back loading area. So I'm guessing this kind of shady request is proposed to him often?? Haha- never thought I'd be a Goodwill backroom stalker.  
All I had to do was paint it and it would be good to go. (It was in pretty rough shape when you looked up close.)  Yet sometimes I "sit" on things- so to speak, only a small pun intended- when I don't exactly know what I'm doing. I love creative projects, yet feel my brain is FRIED post-baby. Anyone?? Yet I can do basic things and copy ideas like the best of them.
Spray paint- I'm totally new to spray paint. I asked a couple of friends for tips. I sanded it down- I did know that much- got my tarp and paint space ready, and hoped for the best.
Final result- I love using spray paint! And I think the chairs turned out great!! B brush-painted the table (thx for the help babe) yet we realized next time for the ease and consistency, we'd just spray it all. (I was using up paint we had.)

One small project down, hopefully more to come!

The Great Milk Transition!!

The great milk transition, as I’ve fondly named it, has been a bumpy road.  The part I thought would be the hardest- having Asher change from formula to whole milk- has been a cinch.  It took one day of mixing half formula with milk and he was sold.  From then on it’s been straight milk for my boy.  The rough (and ongoing) part has been switching from a bottle to a sippie cup.  This has still yet to happen in full.  A day or so after moving to milk, I moved him to just 3 bottles a day.  This made sense to me as the doc said he shouldn’t have more than 3 cups a day.  It’s probably crazy, but Ash was a kid who continued to thrive on having a bottle about every 2 hours- even once food was introduced and he enjoyed eating.  Brandon and I quickly learned that it’s the bottle (not formula or milk) that he is deeply attached to.  We can literally show him milk from his bottle poured into his sippie cup and he rejects the sippie.  The bottle has to be his comfort item.  He’s never been one to attach to a binkie or blanket.  So, on we went for days with 3 bottles a day.  After about 2 weeks I decided to ditch the mid-day bottle.  He likes drinking water from his sippie, so I figured that he would still get enough liquid, even if refusing milk from a sippie.  Although I still try giving him milk in there.  His morning and nighttime bottle- forget about it.  (Make sure to say that with an East Coast accent.)  The kid goes into a sort of panic mode when we’ve tried to push it off.  Even if he sees the bottle in the morning or at night (meaning that we will be giving it to him) he still goes into this panic-cry mode.  Like, “I need my bottle now!”  So, for Brandon and my sanity, we’ve left it alone.  All the while knowing that Asher’s pediatrician wants no bottle in the picture at 15 months.  I get that she wants him to understand that his nutrition comes from food and not his bottle, but then I look at him and remember he’s just a little guy.  So on with 2 bottles we go.  :-)

Little update- as of July 10 (almost a month to the day after he turned 1 and we started the “switch”) he started drinking more of his milk from a sippie cup! Halleluiah! 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Asher's 1 year old photo shoot

Asher is 1- and with that I thought the event should be commemorated on film.  So my brave and wonderful friend Diane took on this daunting task.  She did an amazing job!  She had a tough subject- Asher was in rare form and did not want to smile.  Still, Diane managed to get some great shots!!
Here are the results.  What a cutie!!

We were at the splash pad, so we decided to take advantage of the fun.  
He started to smile a bit more.