Friday, May 6, 2016

Maggie's Newborn Photo Shoot

Wanted to post some of my favorites from Maggie's newborn photo shoot. Special thanks to Briana Santiago Photography for getting such great shots!!
This cradle was made by my grandfather and every grandchild and
great grandchild has had it passed down. So special!

Maggie- 1 month old

On April 27th, Maggie turned 1 month old!
Here are some things Maggie is up to:
Little Miss M is super sweet and spends her time like any other infant: eat, sleep, eat, eat, poop, eat, sleep... She seems to be going through a growth spurt as she gained 2 pounds since birth and grew 1 inch!  So much for being concerned that she'll grow!  She's doing great with eating, which is actually something that is watched with preterm and preemie babies.  She's still low on the charts for "normal" infants, but doing well on the "premature baby" chart.  Yes, there are two charts I've learned.
She's still in newborn size clothes and diapers, but filling them out better each day.
She's having more awake time now and we love seeing her big blue eyes!  She especially loves seeing her big brother and is starting to follow him with her gaze. (Sometimes she can't help but look at him as he is no more than 2 inches from her face. Gosh he loves his Maggie!!)
Along with her daytime awake time comes more fussy time.  Oh well, I guess she is a normal kid!! Yet really, she only usually tends to cry when she's hungry or when she's "messed with" (diaper changes, bath, etc.).
Noisy?  I'd say so! Little Miss is pretty noisy, like her brother was.  We always know where she is in a room due to her little noises and grunts- even when we think she's sleeping.
Sleeping during the night has improved and she's been giving Mama 5 hour stretches! Yay!
She's a strong little girl and moves her head around a bit.  We've started small amounts of tummy time and she does a great job, and practices moving her head then, too.
She likes mat time now, too, as she loves moving her arms and legs.