Saturday, December 13, 2014

Santa's Ride

I learned recently that the Deer Valley Airport Restaurant is kind of a big deal.  Who would have thought??  People kept telling me that we should check it out.  Not for the amazing entrees- although for the price (which is cheap) the food is pretty good- but for the kid-friendly atmosphere and for Asher to be able to see lots of planes take off and land.  (He's in to airplanes lately.)
So, Brandon and I took him last Saturday morning.  It was PACKED!!  I had also heard that Santa may make an appearance, hence the crowd.
In true Santa form, he made a big entrance.  In a helicopter!!  A crowd gathered right where he was set to land and he did not disappoint.  It also helped that it was like 70 degrees and beautiful outside- in December.  Asher loved it.  Only in AZ!!