Thursday, December 29, 2016

Maggie- 9 months old

On December 27th, Maggie turned 9 months old!!
Here are some things that Miss Mags is up to:
Maggie got tooth #2 the beginning of the month!
She loves eating!! Anything that she can pick up seems to be a favorite. 
We’ve added new foods like cottage cheese, turkey and various veggies.  She’s pretty much a fan of everything.
She began using her starter sippie cup, and is also working on using big brother's cups as well.  She loves gaining her independence!
Mags got RSV the middle of December.  This was rough!!  The cough caused a lot of sleepless nights- for all of us.
First Christmas!! Maggie experienced her first Christmas and all the fun and festivities that come with it.  Everything was so much fun with both kids this year.

Little girl saw snow for the first time in Prescott right after Christmas.  She didn’t seem to like the cold all that much, unlike brother.  She’s her mama’s daughter!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Family Pictures 2016

Here are some highlights from this year's family photo shoot.
I love having family photos.  The kids change so much each year, I just love to capture them at that moment.  What I dislike is the actual process.  Anyone else??
There is pressure for all to look great and smile great, because we have one shot at this!!
My kids are often super happy.  Now, the huge disclaimer here is that Asher is 3.  Anything could change at the drop of a hat with him and go to a very bad place.
But really, they are happy.  Yet, I swear they are in front of our super cute and fun photographer and they are suddenly miserable.  Seriously??!!  We all dance around and make crazy noises trying to get them to laugh.  And somehow, each year, many shots turn out great.  I'm thinking she photoshops more than we know- LOL!
Oh, and note to self, the desert looks cool as a background, but not practical for kids.  Tiny little cactus plants were everywhere and we kept hearing, "Something's poking my feet!"  It's also hard to get people to smile when bees are near. And the constant line from every adult- mainly to the boys- "Don't touch that!" "Don't pick that up!" "Stop playing with dirt!"
But that's life now.  And I really am thankful that we are able to capture our family right where we are at in life.