Sunday, April 20, 2014

Photo Shoot Bloopers

I would imagine that many of you with young children can identify with me when I say that the road to a great photo of said child for an event or holiday can be a bumpy one.  I've never been a part of a professional photo shoot (I know, hold back your shock) but I can only imagine that there are many bad pictures mixed with a handful of good ones.  Yet, professionals have tricks I don't, so maybe not.
I sometimes feel that I (and other adults helping me) temporarily adopt some alternate personality to make the child smile or laugh to get the "perfect" photo.  When I try to get Asher's "I'm this many months" pictures, I think that sometimes it should be filmed.  While I probably wouldn't win some prize, it would definitely be good for a laugh.  I say and do all the things that have recently made him laugh- usually resulting in him just staring at me.  I make faces and put his favorite toys on my head, all the while taking shot after shot.  Oh and throw in that I want him to sit in a specific place with a silly sign that he shouldn't touch- what was mommy thinking??
I go through this same process again and again, hoping for him to finally smile and be positioned correctly (isn't that called insanity??).  By the grace of God, he smiles or laughs or is just getting tired and "delirious" as we call it.  So blah, blah, blah, all this to say, I think these out-takes are pretty funny.


Krista said...

Still darn cute! Love the out-takes!

Studdert Family said...

He is SO SO cute Amanda! What a ham and he is getting so big! Hope he had a great 1st Easter!! Miss you all