Thursday, January 21, 2016


I know, I know, but better late than never.
Asher loved Christmas this year!! He loved everything about it from the lights, to the food and "special treats," to (of course) Santa and presents.
We hosted our annual family Gingerbread Party.  He did a great job decorating his giant gingerbread man- so much fun!
We had a great party at Auntie Adrianne's house and Ash was mesmerized and super excited when Santa showed up!  He loved Santa so much he didn't understand why he didn't come home with us. (This child has never been scared of Santa one bit.)    
Christmas Eve afternoon was spent at church.  Asher couldn't get enough of the petting zoo and choo-choo train.  Yes, we do it up right.  The service was very moving and I had fun and was super proud of my talented hubby's singing.  (I'll always have a special place in my heart for our Christmas service as that is how B and I met in 2010.)
Asher and his good bud John Luke.
Then of course we had a wonderful dinner when we got home- my mom's specialty. We also may have opened a few gifts with my sis and her family. Let the fun start early!
Christmas Day brought more joy for Asher as the balance bike he asked Santa for was finally sitting under the tree!  He asked when it would arrive probably once a day before that.  The mood was only dampened when he realized that Santa wasn't still there, nor was he staying with us.  Oh boy- this child's love of Santa.
Christmas afternoon we went to Aunt B's house.  We loved having them here from Colorado. The boys all have so much fun together; such a special time.
We made it to the train park, but after Christmas.  He so loves it there.  And boy does he love costumed characters!  Again, not scared at all.
Hope you all had a blessed holiday season and felt the love of Jesus and his amazing gift to us all!!

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