Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Maggie- 8 months old

On November 27th, Maggie turned 8 months old!!
Here are some things Miss Maggie is up to:
Maggie is back to sleeping through the night almost every night. Usually 12 hours, then naps 2-3 times a day.
She still loves food, but we had to cut back on stuff as her little system seemed unhappy. 
She’s using her voice more and more, although not saying words.  (No mama or dada yet.)
Maggie scoots around a little bit on her tummy, but no crawling yet.
She is a mama’s girl through and through!! And I have to admit, I can't get enough of this little girl.
Maggie is still mesmerized by Asher.  He gets her attention more than anyone.
She’s doing better at church daycare. Which gives mama a nice break.
Little Mags has moved to a new bathtub! She’s using the blow up one Asher used and she loves that she can sit, kick her feet and splash!  She really does like her bath.
She got her first tooth!! November 17th.  It’s the bottom front right. I still have get to get a picture.
Maggie is sitting up.  And she loves it!  She went from being really wobbly, to really sturdy in a matter of a day. Big girl!
She's wearing size 3 diapers, size 6 and 6-9 month clothes and 9 month jammies!

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