Monday, November 11, 2013

Asher- 5 months old

On November 11th, Asher turned 5 months old!!

Here are some things Ash is up to.

Asher loves dancing with Memaw- with their arms out and holding hands.  She sings a little song she made up called Dance Party.  He smiles so big and seems like he is having the best time!
He also loves when Gma says “ding dong.”  He laughs so hard!
He does the cutest thing when falling asleep, he brings his hands up palms open and then lets his arms down slowly. 
He is still a bad napper and just fights going to sleep.
His favorite book is Barnyard Dance.
When he gets excited he does an open mouth smile and kicks his legs.  He responds when I say, “kick, kick, kick.”

His average bedtime is 7:30 and he is still a great night sleeper.  (Roughly 10-12 hours.)

He loves to “stand” when being held.

Oct. 10th- I had my shoulder surgery.  I know I mentioned this before.  It will be a long recovery road- hardest mostly because I can’t squeeze Ash with both arms.  Hopefully he won’t remember this time that mommy can’t hold him.  So far I am healing well and my PT is going great!  I'll be out of my sling on November 21st!!
Oct. 30th- he rolled himself on his side to sleep (more than once).
I've started to give him a spoon to chew on while he's in his high chair for our mealtimes.  I'm hoping that this helps get him ready for the food that will be coming his way over the next month. 

Within the last 2 weeks he has moved to size 2 diapers (could have done that a while ago but I forgot to change the size on our auto shipment) and I have had to retire 3-6 month and some 6-month clothes. Big boy!!

So I can’t believe I haven’t done this, but I need to record my nicknames for Asher. They are a funny thing in how they develop and even evolve.  So he started off as Monkey- due to the funny little noises he made/makes.  Then that moved to Little Monkey.  Which became Monkey Moo, Monkey Moo-Moo-Moo, Little Moo, Moo-Moo and just Moo.  I am crazy weird, I realize.  Yet I need to document this, if even only for my own sake. :-)

He is getting better and better at grabbing his toys.
Hanging with mommy in her sling.
I can't wait to squeeze him with both arms again!!
Poor drooly guy! 
Hanging with Gpa.
Partying in the church nursery.
Chilling with friends.
Our new definition of "FaceTime". 

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