Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Safe cleaners

So I’ve been on this kick to find safer house cleaners.  With Asher now getting in to everything, this has rapidly become super important to me.  (And yes, we do have latches on the cabinets.)
I’ve always been a fan of white vinegar and read some uses for hydrogen peroxide as a cleaner as well, so added that to my repertoire.  My sister-in-law turned me on to Better Life products, which are all natural.  So far I really like them.  They seem to have a sense of humor- which I totally appreciate.  The bottle says something to the effect that while you can drink the products, they recommend you don’t.  I’ve tried the Oak-y Dokey (I am addicted to the lavender smell).
I also got the What-EVER! all-purpose cleaner. It’s a sage and citrus scent- which is also super yummy smelling.  It says it’s good on grease and grime, so my big test was my stove.  I have a gas stove.  I love the concept and I’m getting better at cooking on it, but it gets so messy!! It’s probably no different than a flat top stove, except that I feel this one is a major project to clean.  How did it do?  It did ok- not “oh my gosh” great.  Pretty much the same results as when I clean it with vinegar or peroxide.  I think I have pretty high standards though, as I’m hoping for a miracle to get some of the junk off that seems to have taken up permanent residence.  Overall, I’m still very happy with the What-EVER! cleaner, and I’m looking to buy more of their products.
My unresolved issue is glass cleaner.  I'm a huge fan of Windex, but all-natural it is not.  I just can't stand streaks on mirrors or glass.  I haven't tried the Better Life glass cleaner yet, so that is probably my next option.

If anyone else has recommendations of all natural cleaning products, I’d love to hear about them.

1 comment:

The Schossow's said...

Not sure if my other comment is showing up. You can totally try my better life glass cleaner before you buy it. Adri tried it too.