Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall Decor

I have so much fun decorating for holidays!  Here are just a few ideas for fall decor that I'm using this year.
I try to use something natural from each season in my decorating.  For fall, that means pumpkins and gourds!  (Does anyone else think gourd is a strange word??)
I used a shallow wood basket, put raffia in the bottom and filled the rest with pumpkins and gourds.  I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't have to look farther than my local Fry's grocery store to find unique ones.  Also, I have re-discovered raffia!!  This stuff is awesome!  It looks like straw, which is great for fall, and it's super cheap!  I got mine years ago at Michael's.  It can be re-used each year, so it can last forever!!

This next idea is all about repurposing items I had.  I used a planter and what I believe are called "finger" towels.
I think we all have certain things in our home that we don't want to get rid of, but we aren't always sure what to do with them.  It's more of a girl thing I think.  I drive my hubby crazy.  :-)
I know what to do with a planter, but I didn't need to have a live plant in the bathroom (where I needed a decoration.)  I also have been given a TON of finger towels for every holiday that exists.  I'm not sure what the deal is with these towels.  I guess it's that they are only large enough to dry my fingers before the whole thing is wet- ha!!  Anyway, I just rolled up 3 of them and filled the bottom of the planter with, you guessed it, raffia.  I placed the towels on top and I've created a decoration from things I already owned.  Now that's good stewardship!!

This last little project was super easy.  I got the idea from my friend Christina.  We went to JoAnn's and she showed me the starter piece, which was just a natural wood pumpkin with chicken wire filling the middle.  I chose to paint it black for a specific Halloween decoration.  I then wove Halloween fabric through the chicken wire and fabric glued it on the back.  JoAnn and Hobby Lobby both sell these great fabric packs based on a theme or color scheme.  With a coupon, they are way cheaper than buying sections off of a bolt of fabric.  Christina and I then had a craft Saturday together.  So much fun!!
Happy Fall and Happy Halloween!!

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