Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Let's go to the Library!

Asher loves books!!  He looks at them all the time at home and asks us to read to him constantly. Funny enough though, his attention span is still super short, so he rarely makes it through a whole book before moving on to something else. Regardless, we want to encourage and instill a love of reading in him and have regular library visits.
We took some time last week while Brandon was on fall break (perk of working for a school system) and explored the library!! He loved it!!  (And as you can see from the videos, he doesn't stop long to pay attention to the books- LOL!)

A funny side note is that we decided to leave after not too long as Asher was super noisy! We are working on what an "inside voice" is, but let's be honest, he's 1. He was just having so much fun and his way of expressing that is verbal. Great at times, but not in a fairly quiet library. Haha!! Love our noisy little boy!!
So much fun!  Until the next library day!!

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