Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fall Festival

Our neighborhood put on a little Fall Festival a couple of weeks ago.  It was so cute with bounce houses for the kids and free food- I know, right?!
It's so great to have friends in the neighborhood.  We've become close with Daniel and Christina and their kids.  We meet up at the park often and hung out at the Fall Festival as well.  We go to church together, but living close is such an added bonus.  Other friends of ours (Ryan and Kadie) recently moved down the street, too.  I am all about having friends with young kids close by.  It's such a neat dynamic and I love when Asher is so comfortable with the other family because we spend so much time together.  It makes me wonder if that's what it would have been like in a time and place when people lived in smaller towns and really did life together.  Anyway, I digress...
The kids had a ton of fun and Asher seemed to enjoy the big bounce house!
(I clearly wore the wrong thing to get into a bounce house.  Note to self for next year.  Christina to the rescue!!)
My sis and family were able to join in the fun as well.  Here are Asher and Lexi on the slide.  (Kaylee pretty much stayed the bounce houses the whole time.  She loved them!)

Here's a little bonus video.  Asher has really liked having pumpkins around.  He also likes carrying them.

My aunt and cousin made us the cutest little gift this year- a Boo Sock!  They turned a sock into a little ghost.  So cute!  Asher carried it around for days.

So much fall fun!

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