Thursday, June 23, 2016

Asher- 3 years old

And just like that, he's 3!!
On June 11, Asher turned 3 years old!
Here are some things that Ash is up to, and things he loves.
This boy loves to play!  Hide and seek, sand, building blocks or legos, playdough (or smash, as he calls it), swinging, and being a superhero are just a few of his top activities.  He would also live outside if I let him.
Music- singing, dance party, playing instruments, he loves it all.
I'm thinking he's type A (like me) and he likes his space to have things in their place.  If something is different, he'll let you know.
Asher is also a deep thinker.  He puts together concepts in different situations.  I often think he's not listening when we talk to him, but then he applies what we've said at a different time.  Go figure!!
He loves driving.  Yep- at 3.  Daddy may have been known to let him sit on his lap while in the driver seat.  He also likes to sit in my car in the garage and pretend drive.  The phrase "kid in a candy store" comes to mind. The kid is overjoyed.  This may mean an expensive future if cars really do bring him so much joy.
Waiting for the trash truck, his monkey named Ah-Ah, finding the moon, and all things Daddy are still loves of his.
Asher and his family of monkeys.
Asher is all about favorites!  His favorite color is red- and he will let you know often.  He seems to have a different favorite food depending on the day.  (Yet "snacks" are always a winner.  We've had full meals of what I'll tell him are "snacks" just so he'll eat.) Mickey Mouse is also at the top of his favorites list.  He will ask Brandon and I what our favorite things are all the time.  So cute.
Mornings with Memaw are a highlight for Asher.  I really do love the bond they have.  Every morning he goes looking for her.  Even if she isn't awake yet.  Poor Memaw.  He will hang out with her while she has her coffee.  I love it!
Asher is very in to family and makes mention of who is in our family and talks about loving his family a lot.  I love this about him and hope he always feel this way!! He thinks "family hugs" are the best. We also feel blessed that he can be around family and his plethora of cousins quite a bit.
He has started to take some interest in what he wears.  No every day, but some days.  He enjoys picking out his jammies and will often "mix and match." Mainly just mix and get a crazy combo. There are also days when wants to be "undie boy." I choose my battles.
He's wearing mostly 3T clothes, weighs 32 lbs. and is 37 1/2 in. tall.
And last but not least is his new obsession- Maggie!! He just can't get enough of his sister.  We had to teach him about personal space when she arrived. For her sake. He's very concerned for her and all that is going on.  Yet, in true 3 year old fashion, he asked recently when Maggie was going back in my belly.  I guess his love does have limits!! I pray they are close throughout their lives!!
Say what?  Here are things Asher is heard saying quite often.
My name is Asher Lloyd Dahl.
Will you play with me?
That's my favorite.
Maybe we could...
We haven't done/eaten... in a while.
I really, really want to...
Love this kid to the moon and back.  Makes me laugh every day.  And that cheesy smile with his eyes closed- gotta love it!  2 1/2 came with it's challenges, too, so we'll see what 3 holds!

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