Sunday, June 12, 2016

Maggie- 2 months old

On May 27th, Maggie turned 2 months old!!
Here are a few things Maggie is up to.
A highlight for me is that she is starting to smile and coo! I swear she recognizes me, but that's probably in my mind.
Her sweet personality is coming through more and more as she is having more awake time.  Besides "talking" to the family, she loves the fan and lights.  Seems like she may be a more relaxed type of kid.  Probably goes with being the second.  :-)
She clasps her little hands together while nursing- its super cute!
While I'd love to (and plan to) get on more of a schedule, I'm still feeding her on demand.  Seems to be about every 2 1/2 hours at this point.  Sleep stretches at night vary, but we are usually up 2 times before morning.
She has been known to fall asleep during tummy time.  So the opposite of big brother!
We no longer swaddle her for bedtime. Also, she loves sleeping on her side.
She's wearing size 1 diapers and size 3 month clothes!  (Can't believe she's too big for Newborn sizes!  She's come a long way for a 5 1/2 pound preterm baby!!)

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