Friday, April 5, 2013

A dog's life

Yes, I am officially someone who writes posts about her dog. :-)  It's really more that I love this picture and was able to take it before she realized and came to check out what I was doing.

Cocoa really loves her new yard.  She also loves to "sun" herself, as we say.  I'm thinking she wants a friend, though, as she laid down by Deer.  Now, Deer is just a little yard decoration and I know that may seem weird.  Yet, the story goes that I saw it while with my Grandma in a plant nursery when I was about 2 years old and loved it.  So, as many Grandma's do when their grandchild loves something, she bought it for me.  Deer has been somewhere in the yard of the homes I have lived in ever since.  
But as for Cocoa and a friend, she will have to settle for Deer until Asher comes along.  And then she may wish that she had the place to herself again. :-)

1 comment:

Krista said...

My parents have that same deer in their yard! Seriously. :)