Friday, March 29, 2013

What's in a name?

A name took on a different meaning to me as I thought about what to name my child.  As many girls do, I have kept ideas of names that I liked.  Yet many went right out the window when the task was for real and not just for “what seemed good” before a child actually existed.  I kept coming back to incorporating a family name and I liked the idea of honoring a family member.  It came to me that both Brandon and I have a grandfather who is a great man of God and who influenced each one of us spiritually.  On the night we found out we were having a boy, Brandon said we should talk about names.  I gave one option, hoping he would like it, but willing to “sell” him on it if need be.  It was one of the easiest decisions we have made as a couple.  We love the name and cannot wait to meet our little Asher Lloyd Dahl


grammabebe said...

a WONDERFUL name !!

Krista said...

Love the name and LOVE that it has meaning for you both!