Thursday, August 1, 2013

Asher- 6 weeks old

While I normally won't do a mid-month update, I feel that 6-weeks is a big deal for a little guy!!  
Here are some things Ash is up to.

For the most part he is sleeping for 7 hours in a row at night!!  Praise God!!
He also moved in to size 1 diapers.  Big boy!
While he is still fussy, there are more times he could be awake and not fuss and/or asleep more.  Either way, the fussiness is waiting until later in the day.  We even had some smiley times- even though I know the “real” smiles won’t come for a couple of weeks. (I still think there are some real ones in there now and then.)
His standard sleeping position.  So cute!
There seems to be a bit of an eating pattern developing (roughly every 2 hours during the day).  Great for my type A personality.
He clasps hands in front of his chest while nursing/eating- very cute!  So wish I could get a picture of this!!
He escaped from the swaddle for the first time (and hopefully last time). 

He discovered lights and fans overhead and loves staring at them.  Seriously is mesmerized by them!
We started more activity mat time and tummy time.  He does ok sometimes, but often doesn’t enjoy tummy time yet.  He loves looking at and "talking to" the little star that lights up and plays music on his mat though.  (See the videos below.)
He now follows things/people with his eyes. 
Almost every day Asher and I have a daytime Dance party.  He loves it I swear!!
He likes when we bounce on the exercise ball while holding him- sometimes its one of the only things that calms him down.
I started styling his hair in a faux-hawk; poor dude.  Also some of his hair seems to be rubbing out on the sides from the way he moves his head while sleeping.  Could start to look interesting!
He still doesn't like baths much, but it is getting better. 

He now likes to be held semi-sitting up; he loves looking around the room. Such a big boy!

I know, I went a little crazy on videos. :-)

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