Friday, September 2, 2016

Maggie- 5 months old

On August 27th, Maggie turned 5 months old!!
Here are some things "Mag Mag" (as brother calls her) is up to:
Maggie hit a major sleep regression!! This has been pretty rough. She's up every 3 or so hours most nights.  I read that this is right in line with what's "normal" for this age.  Hope it passes soon!! (And as I write this, it does seem to be passing as she slept though the night last night!)
I'm finally getting her on a schedule.  I realize now that I really never did this with Ash.  She is a rockstar napper sleeping 3-4 times a day!!  She's also in such a good mood when she's awake.
She's started rolling over in her crib.  Super cute but it startles her a bit and causes her to really wake up.
Maggie likes grabbing at toys now.  Sophie the giraffe seems to be a favorite.
She'll reach out and touch us intentionally.  I love when she reaches for my face- so cute!!
She loves to smile and laugh at people and things.
Maggie is really enjoying the activity mat and jumpie.  She can reach some toys now and also likes looking in the little mirror.
She is in size 2 diapers and size 3-6 and 6 month clothes. Still a little peanut but growing and growing!
My Aunt Fay and Uncle Jim came from California to visit and meet Miss Maggie for the first time!  Such a great time with family!!  She took quite a liking to them.
Asher so likes spending time with Maggie.  He even shares his favorite toy "Ah-Ah" with her on occasion.  It's usually followed by him grabbing him out of her hands, but we'll take the sweet times.

She still loves her tongue and it's often out and about.
Love this sweet girl!!

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