Saturday, September 17, 2016

Summer New Stuff for Asher

Asher had some new "firsts" this summer!  Yes, I realize it's a bit late in posting...
Daddy and Asher started a new tradition of attending the Harkins Summer Movies.  They had so much fun and I'm so glad they got to share it together!  Anyone who knows Brandon knows he is a huge movie buff, so this was right up his alley.
For the first time, our church added preschool to their VBX program.  We felt lucky to be a part of things!  Asher just made it being 3 and (newly) potty trained.  Yes!!  He had so much fun and keeps asking about when he'll go back.
 Nolan also went to VBX, so they had some good cousin time!
Finally, Ash went to a summer camp program at a local preschool- Best Pals.  It was so cute and he had a great time!  He attended 2 times a week for June and July.  They had a different theme each week of what they learned.  Asher just loves to learn- I hope he always does!
He also asks when he will go back to school.  Soon enough sweet boy!!

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